Birds of a Feather: Euphie and Suzaku as in the series.Big Brother Instinct: As always, Lulu for Nunnally.As with the series, harming insulting or threatening any Japanese people or loved ones is going to get you a whooping from Kallen.Or, in the case of Rai's father and Britanian relatives, your death. Berserk Button: Mild example, but threatening or harming innocents or loved ones when Rai is around is a sure way to earn you an ass-kicking, as some thugs in Chapter 9 learned the hard way.

A shadowy figure who taunts Rai about his amnesia turns out it was E.E calling to Rai from Kamine Island. Bad Dreams: Mixed with Dreaming of Things to Come, Rai experiences a few dreams of someone calling out to him and in one particular dream.Anti-Villain: Quite a few Britannian characters fit this status, with Oldrin Zevron and Princess Mirabelle being the best examples.Alternate Continuity: The story is for a good part what you get if you add characters from most Code Geass medias, add a few original characters, and change certain events in canon while still following most of it.A number of the pages also include quotes, conversations and teasing of possible future developments in the fic's.Along with a working in progress Colorless Memories Timeline of the fic's universe.As mentioned above, the pages on Code Geass fanon wiki, there is information that is not stated in the main story that gives more information on the fic's universe, such as details to many of the Knightmare Frames, the thought elevators, full character list and information on each of the factions.It fleshes out other events that happen before or during the timeline of Colorless Memories, along with worldbuilding the Code Geass universe in more detail. It also add background stories to many characters like Colonel Kusakabe. All There in the Manual: Companion fic Code Geass Colored Memories, it's main focus is on the POV of Kaguya, Suzaku and Kallen.

As in the redux version of Chapter 18 Rai doesn't kill his father or Brtiannian relatives to grab power, nor does he cause the death of his mother and sister by geassing them.